Sunday 4 November 2012

Trying Out PBL

So I am going to be trying project-based learning for the next unit in my Grade 12 history class.  So far, I have had my students work on defining and designing their own assignments, so that they have choice about what they are going to focus on.  Up to the actual assignment, I have been directing their learning via focused questions, textbooks, readings, group work and videos/documentaries.

The next unit focuses on science and technology in world history from 1500 to present.  With such a huge time frame and the fact that the course looks at the West and the world, it would be impossible to teach deeply anything of real significance.  Instead, I am going to have students, in partners or small groups, research a scientific or technological development that is of interest to them.

I am really quite nervous about doing this.  I gained some confidence from reading Ted McCain's book, Teaching for Tomorrow and the Buck Institute for Education's resources regarding PBL.  I found the Buck Institute for Education's online resources to be invaluable.

See the link below for my unit.  Any feedback is appreciated. (Note: I prefer to use Google Docs, but I couldn't upload the BIE's planner nicely into Google Docs because of the tables.  Does anyone know of a simple way to transfer Word tables to Google Docs?)

What have been your experiences with PBL?  Do you have any suggestions or tips for me?


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