Monday 10 September 2012

The Kids are All Right

Oftentimes people complain about younger generations, teenagers in particular.  They are selfish, lazy, inconsiderate, insert any other negative generalization.

Today I had three examples of proof that the kids (teenagers) are all right.

Example #1:
A student in my Grade 12 history class emailed me to let me know that he had strep throat and would be missing most of this week.  He wanted to know what work he could complete at home, so he wouldn't be behind.  This is proof that teenagers aren't all lazy and irresponsible.

Example #2:
I was walking down the hall carrying four or five heavy textbooks, a binder, my agenda and pencil case.  It was a heavy and awkward load.  A student (who I only know vaguely) noticed my struggle and offered to help carry some of my load.  This is proof that teenagers are not the self-involved beings that people often rail against.

Example #3:
A student in my grade nine class walks past my desk every day, at the end of class, on the way out to lunch.  He always pauses, smiles and says "Thank you."  This melts my heart.  His "thank you" makes my day.  He probably doesn't realize how awesome this make me feel.  This is proof that teenagers can be considerate.

These three examples happened on a Monday BEFORE lunch.  What an awesome way to start the week.

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